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Vision Data uploads customer newspaper data in preparation for hurricane Ike

September 11, 2008 - Rensselaer, NY – As part of our ongoing service to our customer base, the staff of Vision Data's Systems Department spent a good deal of time on Thursday uploading data from over a dozen newspaper customers in the southern Texas area to our main server in Rensselaer, NY. With this precautionary measure in place in the event that something happened to their servers, customers would be able to continue to function via the Vision Data server as soon as power was restored. With all of their data safely stored on the Vision Data server, the systems could also be easily restored and reloaded once the local servers were operational again.

"Hopefully, none of our Texas newspapers, their staffs, or anyone else in the south Texas area, will be too adversely affected by Ike. If there is storm damage, this is one little thing we can do to help minimize the impact on our customers in the affected area." said Vision Data president Thomas A. Dempsey while giving the orders to his staff on Wednesday afternoon. "It’s the extra things we do, like this, that bring us so much customer loyalty in this age of rapidly changing technology... but more importantly, it’s nice to go home at the end of the day knowing that we’ve done at least a little something to help."

During hurricane Katrina, Vision Data performed a similar service for several newspapers in that storm’s path, with some of them running through the Vision Data servers for weeks before being able to get their systems up and running again.

"We have customers with many locations in the gulf coast area, says Tom Dempsey, Vision Data's President. "We are a company our customers have learned they can count on when situations arise outside the normal scope of doing business. During Katrina we helped make sure their data was safe and and easily accessed. Now, during Ike, we had more locations in jeopardy and Vision Data rose to the challenge again."

According to Mr. Dempsey, "Our programmers and support personnel have worked very hard to keep Vision Data on the leading edge of today’s newspaper technology, but more than anything else, we have built our solid reputation for customer retention by truly partnering with them and doing what it takes to make them successful."

About Vision Data - Vision Data Equipment Corp. offers advertising, sales management/CRM, circulation management, online marketing, pagination, retail layout and ad tracking solutions for media groups including Pioneer News Group, Shaw Media, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc and Community Newspapers Inc.  With more than 3,000 local newspaper publications relying on its solutions, Vision Data offers self hosted, SaaS and IaaS solutions designed to meet each newspapers budget. Their motto – Strong Accounting Driving Marketing provides the platform of quality accounting systems designed to increase market share and streamline overhead. Visit our web site at www.vdata.com.


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