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The Daily News-Record, Harrisonburg VA, Installs Vision Retail Ad Layout Software

August 31, 2008 - Harrisonburg, Virginia The Daily News-Record, a 33,000 circulation daily newspaper located in Harrisonburg, VA, is joining the growing list of customers using Vision Retail Ad Layout software. Their decision is a cost-effective choice that enables them to easily place retail ads in their publications.

Vision Retail Ad Layout allows users to automatically flow retail display ads to pages based on user specifications. Requests for page, section, and color, as well as ad groups, coupons, reverse ads and ad group exclusion, are all easily user-defined and handled. Export capabilities allow users to print dummy sheets, automatically find and import ad graphics while following rules for resizing, and update ad placement information for the purpose of electronic tear-sheets. Any press configuration can be saved as a template for future use.

Newspapers can be structured based on advertising percentage or fixed number of pages, with individual section sizes specified by user. Non-designated ROP ads can also be flowed as individual ads or all at once, with a single click. Completed ads "flow" directly to pages from newspaper’s storage file during or at some point after pagination. Placeholders will be inserted into the layout if the ad is not completed at the time of the layout session and flowed to the pages when completed.

The Vision Retail Ad Layout system allows point and click movement of ads within a page or, from page to page, as well as insertion or deletion of individual "late" ads. Placement location is displayed in an on-screen table once an ad is placed. If the placement is changed, the screen changes. This table has multiple sort options and can easily be exported to form the basis of a printed "Advertiser Index" that the newspaper can feature in a specific location.

The Vision Retail Ad Layout system also sends the table of ad placement information back to the Vision Total Advertising system for permanent storage.

Vision Retail Ad Layout is a cross-platform solution, running on either Mac OS or Windows.

About Vision Data - Vision Data Equipment Corp. offers advertising, sales management/CRM, circulation management, online marketing, pagination, retail layout and ad tracking solutions for media groups including Pioneer News Group, Shaw Media, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc and Community Newspapers Inc.  With more than 3,000 local newspaper publications relying on its solutions, Vision Data offers self hosted, SaaS and IaaS solutions designed to meet each newspapers budget. Their motto – Strong Accounting Driving Marketing provides the platform of quality accounting systems designed to increase market share and streamline overhead. Visit our web site at www.vdata.com.


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