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60,000 circulation Ogden, Utah daily selects Vision Data 5-terabyte Total Advertising system

January 4, 2005 - RENSSELAER, NY – Thomas A. Dempsey,president of Vision Data Equipment Corporation today announced thatOgden Publishing Corporation, publisher of The Standard-Examiner, with a daily circulation of over 60,000 has signed a contract for the installation of a new 56-user Vision Total Advertising system, putting their classified sales and management, display advertising sales and billing in a single common graphical relational database. Ogden Publishing is a member of the Sandusky Newspapers group.

Additionally, Vision Ad-Trak, Vision Data’s new full production ad-tracking and postscript graphical system will be housed in the same server creating a complete, sales, billing, and production management system with 5 terabytes of storage for all sales and accounting data as well as postscript graphics and completed ad storage and archiving.

The fully redundant Vision Data system which is built upon a Sun Microsystems server with an accompanying RAID and a second Sun Solaris system for backup, features internal mirroring for and an 8-slot IU tape drive for backup. System installation will begin in the first quarter of this year and be completed by summer.

The Standard-Examiner’s offsite bureau will be linked to main office via the Internet, giving both offices full access to the system. The Standard-Examiner will also employ Vision Data’s HomeLink fully-integrated remote web ad entry and billing system that is driven directly by the Vision Total Advertising System.

According to Dempsey, “The concept of a single 5-terabyte computer system for all aspects of newspaper functions could indeed be the future of newspapers.” Dempsey, who attributes Vision Data’s strong, growing customer base and continued customer loyalty to “Vision’s 30+-year history of solid accounting-based software development, coupled with cutting-edge innovation and development, further stated that “recent developments like this 5-terabyte single data storage system, the new HomeLink product, and the new Vision Ad-Trak System” are attractive not only to newspapers like the Standard-Examiner, but also tend to set the pace for where the whole industry is moving.”

About Vision Data - Vision Data Equipment Corp. offers advertising, sales management/CRM, circulation management, online marketing, pagination, retail layout and ad tracking solutions for media groups including Pioneer News Group, Shaw Media, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc and Community Newspapers Inc.  With more than 3,000 local newspaper publications relying on its solutions, Vision Data offers self hosted, SaaS and IaaS solutions designed to meet each newspapers budget. Their motto – Strong Accounting Driving Marketing provides the platform of quality accounting systems designed to increase market share and streamline overhead. Visit our web site at www.vdata.com.


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