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Find Vision...One Integrated Solution. Revenue-minded software for all of your publishing needs.

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One Integrated Solution

Revenue-minded Software for All of Your Publishing Needs


·        Classified & Display Ad Sales

·        Classified & Retail Ad Layout

·        Circulation & Fulfillment

·        Payables & General Ledger

·        VisionWeb Home Order Entry

·        Ad Tracking



2007 Product Releases!

Vision Ad-Trak, Vision Retail Ad Layout, Vision E-Tear



Unmatched rating & pricing flexibility

We excel in multi-pub combo selling and complex rate structures


Total Customer Service

Fully integrated classified, display and circulation from a single workstation


Fully Integrated Web Access

For classified, retail and vendor payables


Single Server Design

Simplify your operation while improving sales and marketing


Proven Reputation for Customer Support

33 years of excellent customer retention from 24/7 support with experienced staff.


ASP Services

Vision Data ASP server can run on a full-time or back-up basis.


Millions of Dollars in Research & Development

One of the industry's most robust suites of publication software available.


www.vdata.com • sales@vdata.com • (518) 434-2193

"Revenue-minded software for all of your publishing needs."

About Vision Data - Vision Data Equipment Corp. offers advertising, sales management/CRM, circulation management, online marketing, pagination, retail layout and ad tracking solutions for media groups including Pioneer News Group, Shaw Media, Community Newspaper Holdings Inc and Community Newspapers Inc.  With more than 3,000 local newspaper publications relying on its solutions, Vision Data offers self hosted, SaaS and IaaS solutions designed to meet each newspapers budget. Their motto – Strong Accounting Driving Marketing provides the platform of quality accounting systems designed to increase market share and streamline overhead. Visit our web site at www.vdata.com.


March 31, 2021 - iPublish Media Solutions Launches Integration With Vision Data
January 27, 2020 - Southern Community Newspapers Kicks off 2020 with Vision Data Software
February 1, 2019 - Editorial & Publisher Magazine feature with VP of Sales and Marketing Jack Rotolo


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Tip of the day: Save time and postage with E statements and Online Advertiser payments. Contact sales@vdata.com to learn more.